María del Rocío Calderón Guillén


Ingeniera Industrial Superior


Español, catalán, inglés, italiano y alemán

Área de Conocimiento


Ámbito geográfico


Proyectos en los que he participado

Fui becaria promocionando la UPC y haciendo charlas en los institutos para explicar mi experiencia propia (yo estaba acabando la carrera de Ingeniera Industrial Superior en Terrassa) y decirles, en especial a las chicas, que ellas eran perfectamente válidas para estudiar una carrera de ciencias.


I am a Higher Industrial Engineer and after finishing my degree, I trained in languages and I continue to study because I want to update and recycle myself. I have always studied and worked in places where the workforce was mainly made up of men. I have held positions in research, projects, logistics, maintenance, purchasing, production and projects. I am brilliant in operations and have mastered the master data to be entered into the programmes and then to be able to start operating. I work as an associate lecturer at the UOC and deal with everything to do with packaging: definition of incoming and outgoing goods, creation of packaging plans, creation of new packaging, claims, purchasing. At the moment I want to change and leave automotive behind.
Thanks to Aula Magna I had my first contact with working with an all-female staff and despite my initial reluctance, I can now say that signing up for Aula Magna’s EDP was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Sharing experiences, giving advice and allowing myself to be advised by the team was liberating and at the same time surprising, as there are many of us women who live similar situations at work and the glass ceiling is still difficult to break. My colleagues voted me as the president of the 3rd graduating class of the EDP.

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